Tuesday, August 30, 2016

How Many Type Of Probiotics In The Medical Science

How Many Type Of Probiotics In The Medical Science: 

Studies led for the past 30 years evolve that probiotics, meaning for life reducing the syndrome of irritable bowel syndrome and diarrhea and can prevent infancy allergies. These living bacterial microorganisms can also Alleviate the symptoms of vaginal infections and urinary tract infections, Probiotics work when you increase your intake of Probiotic supplements or swallow foods that contain living bacteria.

Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium are the most important probiotic bacteria. The Lactobacillus caste has 18 different bacteria strains, while the Bifidobacterium genus of eight formation strains. Lactobacilli inhabit your small bowel, and Bifidobacteria live in your colon. These useful bacteria, also known as cultures, help the bacteria that already live in your trip to break down food for healthy digestion. Probiotics may also strengthen your Unassailable system.

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Probiotics Have Some Side effect! You Need To Physician Advice

Women's probiotic 

Probiotics Have Some Side Effects...

Strikingly, probiotics reactions are close that the good microscopic organisms are working! Here are the most widely recognized symptoms.
Water should help with all the side effects. This is because if you examine the list of side effects

* diarrhea 

* gas 

* bloating 

* cramps 

* rashes 

* acne

Pretender the adverse effect is relatively minor and does not persist for more than 14 days, then we should be celebrating these side effects.
But temporary side effect such as minor bloating or a mild purgative or constipating effect are signs that the beneficial bacteria are reproduce detoxifying and improving the gut environment.

Also we should remember, while these side effects are unfavorable , they are softly compare to those of many pharmaceutical drugs.
One possible way to reduce the side effects is to reduce the dosage. If you were taking two probiotic pills daily, try daily  one probiotic pill. As your body becomes accustomed to the lower dosage, then you can increase the dosage to higher levels or by a physician advice.

Diarrhea: Why It Happens and How To Treat It 

What Causes Diarrhea?

Usually, diarrhea is caused by a virus that infects the gut. Some people call it "intestinal flu" or "stomach flu." 
It can also happen due to:
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Allergies to certain foods
  • Diabetes
  • Diseases of the intestines (such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis)
  • Eating foods that upset the digestive system
  • Infection by bacteria (the cause of most types of food poisoning) or other organisms
  • Laxative abuse
  • Medications
  • Overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism)
  • Radiation therapy
  • Running (Some people get “runner’s diarrhea”)
  • Some cancers
  • Surgery on your digestive system
  • Trouble absorbing some nutrients (Doctors call this “malabsorption.”)
Diarrhea may also follow constipation, especially for people who have irritable bowel syndrome.

When Should I Call My Doctor?

Call your doctor immediately if you have:
  • Blood in your diarrhea or black, tarry stools
  • A fever that is high (above 101 F) or that lasts more than 24 hours
  • Diarrhea lasting longer than 2 days
  • Nausea or vomiting that prevents you from drinking liquids to replace lost fluids
  • Severe pain in your belly or rectum
  • Diarrhea when you come back from overseas travel
Also, call your doctor right away if you have diarrhea and any of these signs of dehydration:
  • Dark urine
  • Smaller than usual amounts of urine or fewer wet diapers than usual in a baby or young child
  • Fast heart rate
  • Headaches
  • Dry skin
  • You feel irritable or confused

** Gastric problems: 

In my earlier post, I’ve talked about the causes of gastric problems. In continuation to the earlier article, I’m going to talk about the symptoms of gastric problems.

Natural Medicine for Gastric Problems (aff) 

* Warning: Consult your doctor before taking any medicine.

There are certain silent killers like heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, pancreatic cancer, Hepatitis B or C infection which do not show any symptoms and result in sudden death.

Luckily, intestinal gas is not a life-threatening disease and you can easily recover from it by changing dietary habits.

According to the National Institute of Health, humans produce anywhere between 1-3 pints of gas every day and can release gas 14 times a day. But flatulence can be uncomfortable and embarrassing.
Common Symptoms of Gastric Problems

Excessive Gas
Acid Indigestion
Excessive gas is a mild gastric problem which doesn’t cause too much discomfort but only embarrassment. The normal gases ( which we have mentioned in the earlier post) are almost odorless and do not produce any smell.

But sometimes, methane becomes part of the mixture and can cause odor. And some other times, the gas passes through the rectum and the bacteria present there, add their infamous gases like sulphur which causes really bad smell.

If you’re experiencing some symptoms of gastric problems, it may be due to the second category of symptoms. Indigestion is basically caused due to wrong diet and eating too much mouthful.

Eating too quickly and too much can cause indigestion. Physical or Mental stress can cause indigestion. Certain drugs and alcohol can cause indigestion. One of the best home remedies for this kind of symptom is to use baking soda in water to overcome the problem.

The third category symptoms of gastric problems produces too much acid while digesting food. This can cause acid indigestion. This causes lot of pain and discomfort. Antacids bought at the common medical stores generally relieve us from this pain.

Heartburn is the fourth category of symptoms. This is mainly caused by stomach acid and when it comes into the esophagus (oesophagus), a human gets heartburn. The common symptoms associated with this symptom are burning sensation in the throat and sometimes swallowing might become difficult. Sometimes this can lead to further complications like heart-attack and other such nuisances. So it’s better to consult the doctor and get the right medicine.

Bloating is a feeling of increased pressure in the abdomen. It is observed that more women suffer from this symptom than men. People who suffer from IBS or constipation also have a high chance of suffering bloating.

Distension is different from bloating and you can observe the increase in size of the stomach. This more pronounced after a meal and this can worsen as you go through the day.

As a bottom line, excessive gas, indigestion, heartburn, bloating and distension are the common symptoms of gastric problems. Once you observe these symptoms its better to consult a Gastroenterology to get cure from your problems.

The symptoms of bloating can be vague and difficult to pinpoint, but most people describe an uncomfortable feeling of fullness, tightness, or swelling in the abdomen. This can be accompanied by pain, excessive gas (flatulence), frequent burping or belching, and abdominal rumbling or gurgles.


  1. 1.
    painful involuntary contraction of a muscle or muscles, typically caused by fatigue or strain.

  2. 2.
    a tool, typically shaped like a capital G, for clamping two objects together for gluing or other work.

1. an area of redness and spots on a person's skin, appearing especially as a result of illness.

"a red itchy rash appeared on her legs"

2. a series of things of the same type, especially when unwelcome, happening within a short space of time.

Acne vulgaris:

Acne vulgaris (or simply acne) is a long-term skin disease that occurs when hair follicles become clogged with dead skin cellsand oil from the skin.[1] Acne is characterized by areas of blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, and greasy skin, and may result inscarring.[2][3][4] The resulting appearance can lead to anxiety, reduced self-esteem and, in extreme cases, depression or thoughts of suicide. 

Genetics is thought to be the cause in 80% of cases.[3] The role of diet and cigarette smoking is unclear and neither cleanlinessnor sunlight appear to be involved.[3][7][8] Acne primarily affects skin with a greater number of oil glands, including the face, upper part of the chest, and back.[9] During puberty, in both sexes, acne is often brought on by an increase in androgens such astestosterone.[10] Excessive growth of the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes, which is normally present on the skin, is often involved.[10]

Many treatment options are available to improve the appearance of acne, including lifestyle changes, procedures, and medications. Eating fewer simple carbohydrates like sugar may help.[11] Topical azelaic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and salicylic acidare commonly used treatments.[12] Antibiotics and retinoids are available in both topical and oral formulations to treat acne.[12]However, resistance to antibiotics may develop.[13] A number of birth control pills may be useful for preventing acne in women.[12]Oral isotretinoin is usually reserved for severe acne due to greater potential side effects.[12] Early and aggressive treatment is advocated by some to lessen the overall long-term impact to individuals.

In 2013, acne was estimated to affect 660 million people globally, making it the 8th most common disease worldwide.[14][15] Acne occurs most commonly during adolescence, affecting an estimated 80–90% of teenagers in the Western world.[16][17][18] Lower rates are reported in some rural societies.[18][19] People may also be affected before and after puberty.[20] Though it becomes less common in adulthood than in adolescence, nearly half of people in their twenties and thirties continue to have acne. About 4% continue to have difficulties into their forties.[3]


Acne is commonly classified by severity as mild, moderate, or severe. This type of categorization can be an important factor in determining the appropriate treatment regimen.Mild acne is classically defined as open (blackheads) and closed (whiteheads) comedones limited to the face with occasional inflammatory lesions Acne may be considered to be of moderate severity when a higher number of inflammatory papules and pustules occur on the face compared to mild cases of acne, and acne lesions also occur on the trunk of the body.[17] Lastly, severe acne is said to occur when nodules (the painful 'bumps' lying under the skin) are the characteristic facial lesions, and involvement of the trunk is extensive.

Large nodules have been referred to as cysts in the past, and the term nodulocystic has been used in the medical literature to describe severe cases of inflammatory acne.However, since true cysts are rare in those with acne, the term severe nodular acne is now the preferred terminology. Collected by Wikipedia 

Monday, August 29, 2016

Why Are You Take Probiotic? ----- What Is The Women's Health Probiotics?? --- How To Choose The Best Probiotic Supplement???


Why are You take probiotic?

The vast majority have the possibility that microscopic organisms any microorganisms—are unsafe. Nothing could be further from reality. Our surroundings are secured with microorganisms. Your body and for all intents and purposes, all that you come into contact with is secured with microscopic organisms. Truth be told, somewhere around 400 and 500 unique species of bacteria live in your GI tract and are evaluated to represent as much as three pounds of your body weight.

Under perfect circumstances, while possibly hazardous and wellbeing denying strains of microorganisms might be available, other helpful strains of microscopic organisms hold their numbers within proper limits. It's exclusive when certain "awful" strains of microscopic organisms gain out of power that we start to experience issues. These can be as straightforward as looseness of the bowels, or as unpredictable and genuine as a systemic contamination.

There's no conceivable approach to disposing of all the possibly pathogenic microorganisms from our surroundings, nor would it be fitting. For people to exist, an equalization must be kept up, in our outside surroundings, as well as in our inward surroundings too.

What is the women's health probiotics?

The World Health Organization's 2001 meaning of probiotics is "live small scale creatures which, when controlled in satisfactory sums, give a wellbeing bene?t on the host". Tailing this definition, a working gathering met by the FAO/WHO in May 2002 issued the "Rules for the Evaluation of Probiotics in Food". This first worldwide exertion was further created in 2010; two master gatherings of scholarly researchers and industry agents made proposals for the assessment and approval of probiotic wellbeing claims.The same standards acknowledge from those gatherings as the ones communicated in the Guidelines of FAO/WHO in 2002. This definition, albeit generally received, is not worthy to the European Food Safety Authority since it installs a wellbeing case which is not quantifiable. Some nation's does not acknowledge this definition whatever ladies' well-being probiotics is additionally helpful to this day. Well being probiotics is currently fundamental and step by step is going prevalent whatever other treatment arrangements. So take probiotics and feel better.

How to Choose the Best Probiotic Supplement?

In those days many kinds of probiotic products on the market. I’m not astonished that the more people want to know How can you choose the best probiotic supplement? As an  informer
I can tell you about this that the best way to support digestive health is first to add more probiotic foods, such as yogurt, sauerkraut, and kefir to your daily diet. But if you don't take those foods every day then your best option is to take a probiotic supplement.
Dr. Devid Williams says that his 20+ years experience in research and writing about probiotics and digestive health, He have
found that there are a few basic criteria on which to evaluate probiotic supplements when you’re deciding which one will work best for you. They are
the specific probiotic strains included.